The article below originally appeared at on 2/24/2015 and is not the property of Even though this post is over 1 year old and the details may no longer be accurate, we believe it contains wonderfully written and insightful information worth sharing.

Help Becoming FBA Seller on Amazon

Becoming an FBA Seller on Amazon is one of the least expensive ways to expand your customer base and get the exposure you need on the web. You label your inventory and then ship it to Amazon, put your listings up and if you did everything right then you get to watch the sales come in. Amazon handles all of the customer services like packing and shipping your orders, handling the returns, refunds and other customer service issues.

Selling your goods on Amazon as an FBA Seller is a great deal and they don't let just anyone in. They have an approval process that is tough and it usually takes months to get through it, if you are able to get through it at all.

How I Can Help You Get on

I have contacts at Amazon that will get you through the red tape of the online forms that usually deny new sellers. I can bypass that process for you and put you in contact with a real person via phone or email to get you signed up. My Amazon contacts can turn the sign up process into as little as one to two weeks, whereas the traditional application process will take months, if you are able to get approved at all. If what you are selling is within the rules on Amazon to sell as an FBA Seller, then you will be approved right away.

The next step to your approval is getting your listings written and your photos in the proper format and uploaded. This is where the real work begins. Amazon requires that your product information be entered onto a very complicated spreadsheet. I fill out your spreadsheet correctly the first time out, avoiding many pitfalls the new seller typically experiences. I have sold products on Amazon and know how the information needs to be written and cataloged in order to come up in searches on the Amazon website.

Help with Getting UPC Codes to Sell Products as an FBA Seller on Amazon

UPC codes typically cost a bundle, but I "got a guy."

The official GS1 place that sells UPC codes charges $250 for 10 barcodes. That is $25 for every bar code plus they charge an annual fee of $50 in addition to that. If you are an FBA seller on Amazon and need 500 different UPC codes to cover all your products with all their different sizes and colors, you're broke before you are able to purchase all the barcodes you need.

With the UPC code company that I work with, those UPC barcodes will cost you $15.00 for 10 UPC barcodes. The charge can be far less (like 25 cents each) depending on how many you purchase at a time and there is never an annual fee.  You pay that low rate once when you buy the UPC barcodes and then that's it!

How I Help You Become an FBA Seller on Amazon

I have firsthand experience selling on Amazon and have clients that continue to do well as FBA Sellers. By using my professional expertise, you will be an FBA Seller and making your first sales with a few weeks.

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