The article below originally appeared at on 3/13/2015 and is not the property of We believe, however, that it contains wonderfully written and insightful information worth sharing.

Blog Writing

The purpose of blog writing on your company website is to keep your customers engaged and also to keep your content fresh. When your website content is always being added, then the search engines will love you too.

What an Effective Blog Does for a Small Business

Blog writing needs to directly relate to your company's products to be most effective. For instance, if you are selling knitting supplies then your blog needs to be posting regularly about knitting. It doesn't have to be about your products, but it needs to be about what your customers can do with your products. What you don't want to do is to write about your company party or focus on employee biographies. You want your blog content to contain the specific words that will send you potential customers. The ideal blog for a knitting supply company would be knitting how-to projects and patterns.

Focus on what you think your customers will want to see... not necessarily for search engine optimization. You want to keep visitors coming back to your website. And, in many cases it is stories that keep them coming back to read the blog and, eventually, click through to your website.

All small business websites need a blog. And, by using proper SEO techniques, you will hopefully attract potential new customers to your website from the search engines -- in addition to keeping your customers coming back.

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