The article below originally appeared at on 1/19/2014 and is not the property of We believe, however, that it contains wonderfully written and insightful information worth sharing.

Writing Content for Your Website

Not everyone has the talent to write content for a website, but if you think you have what it takes, then go for it. Your content needs to be clear, concise and focus on the benefits your customers receive from your services or products. As the saying goes, less is more. Many company owners will rattle on far too long and it is much more effective to keep it short and to the point with making every word count.

Writing Landing Page Content

These days, many websites don't even have an opening page anymore, they just get right down to business. The best landing page is one that puts the product or service right there front and center. If you are in retail then have your most popular products rotating on the landing page. If you are a service, then have what you offer show up there. Of course, large and beautiful photos are always vital, but make sure they are related to the product or service. That landing page is where you want to dazzle the customer and also build their trust in you and your products. Writing content may or may not be necessary for your landing page, depending on how it is laid out.

Make Sure Your Website Content is Correct

Trust is a huge factor because if your potential customer doesn't trust you, then you are not likely to get their business. Your website appearance plays a big role in that trust, but whether or not it is spelled properly is a bigger issue. If your website content is misspelled then the customer is going to think you do not care about doing a good job or they'll think you offer shoddy products. So, spend some time writing content and then you need to proofread it on another day. You will miss many typos when you proofread it right after you have written it. It is important to have a second set of eyes take a read to find anything you may have missed.

Writing the About Us Page

Everyone seems to want to talk about themselves in the third person when writing content for their "About Us" page. Please do not do that. You can use the word "we" or the word "I." It is extremely awkward to read something that is clearly written by the person it is talking about. A potential customer will feel like they know you if you talk about yourself in a very straight forward manner. They will like you. Third person writing will put distance between you and your customer and that is the last thing you need when trying to obtain their trust. So, write content like you are speaking with your customer and telling them a little about yourself and your company.

Writing Content

Writing content can be tough for a person who is not a writer naturally. If writing is difficult for you then it is best to use a professional writer for that job. It will really pay off when it gives your potential customers the right impression of who you are and what your company has to offer them.

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