Prior to the domain changing ownership in 2017, a wonderfully informative marketing blog lived at this address. Below is one of the archived articles from back then. Please note that the content below is not property of the current owners of but, we believe, contains wonderfully written and insightful information worth sharing.

Using Twitter for Sales and Marketing

Posted on February 11, 2013

Twitter is the very effective tool for marketing, sales, technical support and customer support for business. Twitter is the way to promote your brand, generate leads, promote company events and engage with your customers and prospects in real time. The way of marketing in the twitter is show your logo as your profile picture. Try to show your brand name as your twitter handle and twitter username and also use the brand name in the twitter bio, and create a link in your bio.

Try to add company website URL to your Twitter profile. Twitter gives continually inquire people to track you in all your marketing materials. It assists you stay your name in frontage of scenario when you contain a long sales series and also promotes and voucher codes and it creates competition to generate sales. The solution is to speak to their concerns rapidly so you can twist the negative feeling into positive feeling in public.

It mails the links to fresh white papers or videos to bring in them to innovative skin tone of your products and also sends the offer messages, discounts, and other information. You could have people tweet a picture of them using your product, and the winner is receiving a discount or offer on their next purchase.

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