Prior to the domain changing ownership in 2017, a wonderfully informative marketing blog lived at this address. Below is one of the archived articles from back then. Please note that the content below is not property of the current owners of but, we believe, contains wonderfully written and insightful information worth sharing.

Increasing Website Traffic: 6 Steps to Guest Blogging

The guest blogging is that the way of contributing the blog post to other sites. There are six ways to increase the website traffic in guest blogging. They are first you have to create your own profile in Google+, Face book, LinkedIn, and Twitter account and you have to know your website is linked with the social media's or not.

Second step is to write some articles which relates your industry and your articles should have some interesting information, perfect spelling and without grammar mistake, and with appropriate text formatting and also images.

The third step is to identify the websites that you would like to have contributed to.

The fourth step is to find the editors email account to contact if you find you have to explain you as a business owner who is obsessive about your business and also explain your goals and offer links to the best articles of you.

The fifth step is try to share your article through social channel and also thanks the editor to publish them and track them on.

The sixth step is once you get the best ranked means try to stay top of the process.

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