The article below originally appeared at on 5/15/2015 and is not the property of We believe, however, that it contains wonderfully written and insightful information worth sharing.

Custom Writing To Comply With Google

Custom writing became vital this week in Google's latest round of penalties. Google has been warning website owners that they need to be mobile friendly or else they'd be dropped from the top of search results. But, there was even more to these penalties as Google attempts to tighten their version of the perfect Internet search results page. What does this mean for your business?

Custom Writing

Hiring a professional writer for custom writing is now the #1 thing on your To Do List. If you don't have quality content that is written by a professional writer educated in search engine optimization, then you'll lose a lot of ranking in your search engine ranking. Google is only going to give priority to content that is legitimate.

How to Get a Google Penalty

If you've been paying for companies in India to rewrite content in order to fill your website with hundreds of articles to trick Google, you've experienced a very rude Google surprise this week. You are now watching your hits take a serious drop. If you've been linking to your website from articles in the article banks like HubPages or the other websites like it then you're toast, too.

Google is getting closer and closer to completely strangling any website that attempts to manipulate their search engine. If you are just minding your business and putting quality, useful information on the Internet then you're moving up to the top in Google's search results. For those who have enjoyed the shortcuts to making money on the Internet, you're now going to have to go legit and do some custom writing of useful content to sell your products.

How to Climb in Search Results

You need a clean, to the point, optimized website in order to climb the ranks in search engine results. The faster you can get this done, the faster you will climb to the top. A healthy portion of your competitors were just bumped down to the last page. Now is your chance to have your quality custom writing to make a huge difference in where you land in the search engine results.

This custom writing needs to be search engine optimized. This is not a tricking of search engines. It is making your core message clearly stated on your website so that the search engines know what your page is about. The pages need to be written using keywords that clearly state what you are selling and those words need to be in important places on the webpages. For example, if you have the habit of repeating "Buy Now!" in your headings and text then you will be optimized for the words "Buy Now!" The search engines will assume you are about those words and they will not have a clue that you are selling a weight loss plan. It is a very common mistake made by those who do not understand SEO (search engine optimization), copywriting and custom writing. You need to hire a writer to get your webpages properly copywritten and optimized for search engines.

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