The article below originally appeared at on 12/31/2014 and is not the property of We believe, however, that it contains wonderfully written and insightful information worth sharing.

Content on Your Site and Live Chat

The content on your website is done and beautiful – check. You have lots of pretty photos – check. Your website's content is well written with great copywriting – check. What more could you need? Live chat is the next step.


Content is King, as they say. However, no matter how hard you try, someone reading your website is going to have questions. This is actually a good thing. If they want to talk to you then it is a sure sign they like what they see and want to buy your products or services.

Live chat is a feature your potential customers will love. All they have to do is click a button and they can get their question about your content answered. They do not have to swim through your entire website hoping to find the answer that may or may not be there. Regular customers will use your live chat often while they are taking care of other tasks and they can let you know which products to send to them.

Live Chat Software

So, you say, "How much is all of this going to cost me, now?" Right? Nothing. Absolutely nothing, nada, zip. The trial package at Olark is free and works fabulously. If you want to use some of their advances features then there is a small monthly fee that is paid by the year. But, for one operator (you) and the chat software on your website, it is free. It is also super easy to set up on a website. I have used it on both WordPress and Drupal and have never had a problem with it.  It works well with other content management software, also.

My Recommendation

I have used Olark's live chat feature for years. My web host told me about it when I owned a craft supplies company that was on the web only. My customers told me how much they loved it, frequently. I enjoyed being able to catch my potential customers before they moved on to another company for their supplies. If they wanted to make a project and couldn't find it in my website content then I could give them instructions on how to do it right in live chat. Then they would buy the supplies on my website. Live chat was a great compliment to my already extensive website content.

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