The article below originally appeared at on 9/2/2015 and is not the property of We believe, however, that it contains wonderfully written and insightful information worth sharing.

Brand Identity with Paypal.ME

Brand identity is such an important part of doing business whether it is online, B2B or B2C. Paypal understands that and has just launched Paypal.ME. This is a way to put your brand name right on your URL that asks for payment. You have to grab that name fast, though.

Wouldn't it be great if you could just send a little URL to ask for payment? Now you can. Tell PayPalwhich name you want and it's yours! That is, if someone hasn't already beaten you to that name. You need to get there right away, though, obviously.

Once you capture your name at, you will have a URL to send to your customers or friends that will be To ask for payment for your bill of $525, you write your URL: Your customer will go to that link and see a simple screen where they will see the $525 charge and either will pay it or change it to the number they want and then pay it.

There are times where you don't want to type in an amount. For instance, for brand identity purposes you will put just your on your invoices or on your website. This will make it easier for your customers to pay you. They just click and pay. No more getting lost in all that PayPal website circus.

Keeping Your Name in Front of Customers

Every opportunity for brand identity reinforcement should be taken. This PayPal.ME branding by PayPal is a new way to reinforce your brand, but it also makes it easier for your customers to pay you. And, as we all know, a happy customer is a loyal customer. In this competitive marketplace, if you make paying an easy and struggle-free experience, then the customer will keep coming back to your company to buy your goods instead of going to that other guy that only takes cash, or doesn't take Discover, or bla, bla, bla.

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