Prior to the domain changing ownership in 2017, a wonderfully informative marketing blog lived at this address. Below is one of the archived articles from back then. Please note that the content below is not property of the current owners of but, we believe, contains wonderfully written and insightful information worth sharing.

7 Ways to Create More Engaging Videos That Rank Higher in YouTube

Posted on May 25, 2013

There are seven ways to create more engaging videos that rank higher in you tube they are trying not to waste time for trying to hit the system and keep center your time on keyword research for video titles and ongoing to create videos on a reliable timetable. The second is you have to know the complete details of your audience because it gives proper relationship with your customers for finding the proper search.

The third is to tell the audience about the benefits of this video watching in the first 10 seconds because it gives a better reason to stick around. The fourth way is to create a quality based video if you want to prepare a quality based video you have to follow some instructions such as plan, shot list, story board, prop list per scene, and B-roll.

The fifth way is to put potential energy in their work because it holds a viewer's attention than being monotone and dull. If you get your own audience means trust your gut and take calculated risk and it can help to determine new ideas. The last step is to pay more attention to your headlines and descriptions.

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